5 Magical Health Benefits of Pacifiers for Newborns

5 Magical Health Benefits of Pacifiers for Newborns

Pacifiers have amazing health benefits for babies:

  • Risk of SIDS reduced
  • Babies go home sooner
  • Pain relief
  • Digestion
  • Lowered cortisol


Will a pacifier be a tool you employ to stop your baby from crying? Every parent must make this personal decision. The primary concerns often involve weaning and dental health—but don’t worry, we’ve got a detailed blog that dives deep into these topics! Beyond these issues, it’s also essential to fact-check and explore the health benefits of pacifiers. These small tools do more than soothe; they offer significant advantages that can positively impact your newborn’s health and development.

SIDS Reduction

Did you know that one of the most recognized benefits of pacifier use is its potential to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)? Research consistently shows that pacifiers used during sleep can significantly decrease SIDS risk. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American SIDS Institute both recommend the use of pacifiers. For many parents, the SIDS reduction benefit alone makes pacifiers worth considering.

Going Home Sooner

In neonatal intensive care units, pacifiers are not just comforting; they are essential. They improve digestion and feeding efficiency, which are critical for the growth and development of vulnerable infants. Studies have demonstrated that pacifiers can significantly shorten NICU stays by facilitating an easier transition to bottle feeding, allowing these little fighters to go home sooner. It’s impressive!

Pacifiers as Pain Relievers

Beyond their soothing effects, pacifiers are recommended by pediatricians for pain relief. Science backs up that pacifiers, in addition to sucrose, are highly effective. This natural sucking reflex is not only calming but also distracts from the pain, offering comfort and reducing distress.

Reducing Cortisol and Aiding Digestion

Sucking is an innate relaxation response for babies, offering immediate stress relief and activating their Parasympathetic Nervous System—often referred to as the "rest and digest" state. This soothing action not only lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone, but also enhances digestive functions. When a baby uses a pacifier, it increases blood flow, promotes saliva secretion necessary for breaking down milk, and aids in the release of beneficial hormones. Additionally, the calming effect of sucking slows the heart rate, conserving energy and aiding in nutrient absorption and weight gain. 


Choosing a pacifier is more than a temporary fix for a crying baby; it’s about embracing a tool that supports both emotional stability and physiological health. The benefits of pacifiers are immense. As every parent navigates their unique journey, understanding these benefits can help in making an informed decision about whether to introduce a pacifier to their child's routine. Remember, the choice to use a pacifier is personal and should align with your parenting style and your baby’s needs.